Support PCS
How can you help support Phoenix Christian School PreK-8?
We readily admit that every aspect of this school belongs to God, and we desire that His will be done in the lives of the staff and the families at Phoenix Christian School PreK-8. Our dependence on prayer is absolute. Each day we look to our Lord for strength, wisdom, patience, love, joy and a heart to fulfill our covenant responsibility. We would be privileged to have you join us as we go before Him.
Financial Support
You may support Phoenix Christian School PreK-8 through direct monetary gifting.
Arizona Christian Education Endowment Fund (ACEEF)
- This organization was formed by PCS PreK-8 community members to raise funds for the advancement of Christian education in Arizona.
- The ACEEF Board of Directors concentrates its efforts on wise management of gifts of property, securities, bequests, life insurance, and other contributions.
- ACEEF | P.O. Box 32902 | Phoenix AZ 85064
- Please contact the school office for more information.
Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization (ACSTO)
- This state organization manages Arizona tax credits.
- According to Arizona state law, tax payers can make a donation and receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit against their Arizona state income tax.
- Donation forms can be obtained through the school office or donations made online with ACSTO.
- ACSTO | P.O. Box 6580 | Chandler AZ 85246 | (480)820-0403 |
Barnabas Foundation
- PCS PreK-8 is a member of this organization, which advances God’s kingdom by providing planned giving and estate planning services, with a goal of helping Christians strengthen support for the ministries that are important to them.
- Please contact the school office if you wish to have more information about Barnabas or set up a meeting with them.
- Barnabas Foundation | 3801 Eagle Nest Drive | Crete, IL 60417 | (888)448-3040 |
- This is a national retailers’ program that gives a percentage of your purchases to PCS PreK-8.
- You use gift cards bought through the SCRIP program to shop at retailers of your choice, and the retailer returns a percentage to PCS PreK-8.
- You may designate your SCRIP money from the retailer to a specific student or the school as a whole.
- SCRIP orders are received and filled weekly at the school.
- Please call the school office for more information.
"Box Tops" for Education
- Box Tops for Education is an easy way to help PCS PreK-8 get free educational merchandise, including computers, sports equipment and musical instruments.
- You can either cut them out from item packaging, or download the Box Tops App from Google Play or I-tunes.
- If you scan them using the App – search for “Phoenix Christian Grade School” and our school code is 189645.
Keepers of the Legacy
KEEPERS OF THE LEGACY is our first annual pledge drive designed to help provide a large portion of our annual operating expenses. Our prayer is to raise $126,000 annually. How can you help? Partner with us by pledging to donate just $45, $35, or $25 monthly. When multiplied by the goal of 100 monthly donors for each amount, this provides $10,500 of additional monthly income to the school.
Becoming a KEEPER OF THE LEGACY partner is easy…Our hope is that you would prayerfully consider if you are able to help support the school in this way. We felt led to keep the pledge requests small, so that many of you would be able to become a Legacy Partner. If you are able to donate more, we appreciate your added commitment. Every donation makes an impact. There is strength in numbers!
Please pray about your financial commitment and return the pledge form found below. Thank you from all of us, children included, for your support. May you be blessed knowing that your consistent giving will help us to more effectively do the work God has called us to here at PCS PreK-8.
In Him,
Phoenix Christian School PreK-8 Ways & Means Committee
Friends of PCS
Phoenix Christian Reformed Church

Phoenix United
Reformed Church


West Valley Christian
Fellowship Church

Arizona Christian
School Tuition Organization
Other Ways to Support PCS
Check out two alternative ways to give back to Phoenix Christian School:
Support Phoenix Christian School Society Inc. when you shop at
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