Admissions Overview
Welcome to our School
The mission of Phoenix Christian School PreK-8 is to partner with Christian families and Christian churches to educate children for lives of loving and obedient service to God, his kingdom, and all humankind. The school enrolls Christian families from many Christian churches. We focus on God’s Word and the assurance that Jesus loves us. Students begin with the premise that all truth comes from God. We have confidence that God will provide for our needs. God reigns, so that even in this world of opposition and strife, we can be assured that our Lord loves us. Please see below for information on our Admissions processes and standards.

Community Testimonials
Admission Policies
Phoenix Christian School Prek-8 holds to the conviction that the Bible is the infallible Word of God that provides a Christian world and life-view to be lived out for His glory. The school, in conjunction with the home and church, recognizes its obligations to provide Christian education to covenant children (defined as sons and daughters of God-fearing, Bible-believing parents/guardians).
At least one, preferably both, parent(s) or guardian(s) must:
- Present a clear testimony of personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
- Desire to have their child educated with the context of Biblical truth.
- Be actively involved in a local, Christian church including taking their child(ren) enrolled in Phoenix Christian School Prek-8 to regular corporate worship and youth ministry activities (Sunday School, Youth Group, etc).
- Submit a pastor’s reference (resubmitted when the oldest student is going to 2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th).
- Agree to refrain from participating in and/or promoting practices that would be considered illegal, immoral or inconsistent with a Christian lifestyle and thereby in opposition to what is taught at this school. This includes, but is not limited to: sexual immorality, homosexuality, transexuality, bisexuality, and cohabitation without marriage.
- In such cases where violation of conduct (deemed immoral, illegal, or inconsistent with a Christian lifestyle and thus, in opposition to the above statement of faith) the school reserves the right, within its sole discretion, to refuse admission of an applicant or to discontinue enrollment of a student.
For admittance, it is required that at least one parent/guardian has (preferably both have) made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ as described in the above statement of faith. If only one parent has made a profession of faith, the other parent must understand and support the PCS Prek-8 teachings and beliefs as described above.
This statement of faith does not exhaust the extent of our beliefs. The Bible itself, as the inspired and infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind, is the sole and final source of all that we believe. For the purposes of Phoenix Christian School Prek-8’s faith, doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, the Phoenix Christian School PreK-8’s Board of Directors is the final interpretive authority on the Bible’s meaning and application.
PCS PreK-8 accepts enrollment without discrimination as to race, color, sex or national origin. All rights and privileges are afforded to all students. Admission of students with special needs will be based on our ability to serve the needs of each child.
Academic Standards
All prospective students 1st – 8th grade will take an entrance test to determine current academic knowledge and ability. Grade placement is based on this test, transcripts from the previous schools attended, and the discretion of the principal.
Kindergarten students must be 5 years old by September 1. They will be given the Gesell Assessment to determine developmental readiness. Preschool students must be 4 years old by December 1.
Spiritual Standards
PRAYER: We are best equipped to serve Christ when we are supported with prayer. Parents are asked to earnestly pray for Phoenix Christian School PreK-8, the board of directors, administration, faculty, staff and students.
CHURCH ATTENDANCE: Regular church attendance and involvement by your family supports our mutual desire to develop the life of Christ in these students. Conditional enrollment will be considered if you are transitioning between churches.
Behavioral Standards
Maintaining harmony within the PCS PreK-8 community is a Biblical standard we have been blessed to be able to uphold. If there are concerns or problems, we ask all students, parents, and staff to follow the principle found in Matthew 18 to resolve situations and restore relationships. This policy requires that parents talk to teachers about student problems before talking to the principal. If unresolved, the matter is prayerfully and orderly moved up the school’s organizational structure. We believe this is the Lord’s way of solving person-to-person disputes. See student handbook for full details.